Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sunday studio

I changed the one from yesterdays post, and finished the next one in the series. I like the wrapping, the covering of the gutskin, around the high shine of the epoxied surface.  Inspiration from post WWII artists; Alberto Burri, Jean Fautrier, Gustav Metzger, Kazuo Shiraga, Robert Rauschenberg.

"...for these artists, destruction was not just a nihilistic act, and the void was not just a black hole of despair and anxiety: destruction was in a dialectical relationship with creation, and the void was a space of potentiality.  From the embers of the destruction of the picture plane emerged a medium reborn that powerfully registered the complex experience of living in a world perched on the brink of self annihilation." -Paul Schimmel, "Painting the Void". destroy the picture:painting the void, 1949-1962 (pp.188-203).

The similarities between that post-war sentiment and the 'post-current-eve' of war reality today is palpable.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Points of contact

While waiting for the blue piece mentioned in an earlier post to dry, I started experimenting with possibly mounting the gutskin. I like the idea of what it's mounted on participating in the composition, and considered the surface of the mounting board to be very different from the gutskin.  A shiny manufactured surface, which I achieved with colored epoxy resin.

Detail (different light)

I cut reveal holes and cut the gutskin smaller than the board, nailing it with 4 contact points.  It will be interesting to see how the gutskin reacts to the board when it completely dries.

The juxtaposition of extremely different material is my intention.  The unpredictability of the natural gutskin (the black I used is also a simple egg tempura made from coal), nailed down to a pre-fabricated board covered in the high gloss of epoxy resin. 


Man-made destruction and the re-creation from that destruction. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

more discoveries

The uncertainty of the finished piece is exciting with a gutskin surface.  When it dries it does what its going to do, so manipulating that can lead to exciting discoveries. Also, gutskin is very takes a beating and can be worked quite a bit.  I have found that working into it until it becomes 'gummy' can make interesting color variations, texture and dimension.

I like the translucency achieved in certain areas (scrubbed surface with ajax), as well as bunching of the right side (made by putting small balls under surface). I have taped it down to force the edge to hold shape, excited to see what this does.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

the reverse

The underside to the gutskin paintings are worth noting.  When the intestine dries, laying on top of the aluminum foil, the salt from the curing of the intestine pool up underneath and dries onto the intestine, so the effect is a bumpy briney surface.  I put a coating of gloss on this painting, and the effect is kinda cool.

Front side
Backside (notice white bumpy salt texture)

Painting on gutskin

The natural texture of the gutskin does interesting things when painted.  When the surface becomes wet, it 'gums' up a bit, becoming malleable and 'fleshy'.  It has a very living feel to it, which is exactly what I wanted when attempting to work with a once living product.

It has an unpredictability that can be manipulated, if you are willing to give up control a bit to what the acrylic does on the surface.  Techniques are developed during the process, ending in surface that is layered with interesting 'bits and pieces'.

Once finished applying paint, surface will need to dry.  Not until it is dry will the exact contortions of the piece be revealed. I like this uncertain aspect of it.  The buckling and ridges made in the intestine become apart of the process itself. The end effect is somewhat sculptural.

These first experiments are reactions to the pockmarked land in Verdun, how man-made destruction machines re-landscaped the Earth.  Working thematically with destruct/create, nature/nurture, anxiety/unpredictability (more to come on this).

I want to keep going with this and develop the technique and eventually go larger.  Not sure if I like how the third one has the kind of stencil, hard edged shape.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Re-creating a landscape made from ultimate destruction. THE EGG PIECE

In Verdun, France the land is still pockmarked with artillery craters from WWI, enough so that it looks other-worldly. This is reinforced by the fact that nature has grown over the craters, disguising the artificial reason for them, but not completely.

The British painter Paul Nash expresses this in his painting of NoMansLand, 'We Are Making A New World' (1918).

Walking around this battlefield felt fragile, as if the Earth wasn't completely healed. Malformed.


Military life makes you feel this way magnified. Trepidation. Every situation volatile, echoes of explosions as well as anticipation of the next one.  On the constant watch of something else.

I am investigating how this constant has affected home life, and family.
To re-create a ground that is constantly inconstant, fragile, unpredictable.

Using eggs (only shells, which are mostly whole, although some fractured) and wrapping them in the protective skin of intestine. They will cover the ground.

An other-worldly landscape
protected but unpredictable

Visually I am working with the static movement of eggs.  Balanced, but how they are arranged will represent the kind of frozen undulation of the crater reformed ground at Verdun. The foreboding anxiety of what happened, or what could happen.... stuck in unhealed memory.

Studio work

The basement studio is fine for cutting up porcine. I am pleased with the evolving process of turning the intestine into surfaces.  Depending on when you peel the foil off of the laid intestine, and wether it is nailed down flat, I can manipulate how dimensional the surface becomes.

nailed to wall

this piece dried mostly before being peeled from aluminum. Left to dry so it shriveled a bit more. Next piece will be peeled before completely dry, left to shrivel more naturally.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Banana project or project22, photos

Been messing around with some images from the banana project, now called 'project22'.

I am very happy with how the rotting elements of the photos have a somewhat painterly quality. I recently was in Dresden and got to see Otto Dix's triptych "Der Kreig".  I think one of the most significant aspects of his work is his ability to aestheticize carnage. Parts of that painting is masses of torn bodies, the materiality of the paint used to represent the melting and mashed flesh.  


I am going to publish lists from time to time. It will help me highlight themes and connections in the work.  Here's one:

holding it together

the violence and grotesque mockery
sinews of survival
gutskin coat (Kamlaika-Russian)
     -shamanistic usage (Inuit), transport to the after-life

no guts no glory
war play

loose lips sink ships


I had some idea that I needed to paint figuratively, I think I was grabbing at some idea of that representing truth. I was wrong. Moving on.

Took some time and made some decisions

The last meeting I had with my mentor helped to focus the direction of my work to what it is doing no, as well as finally put to bed some hang-ups that were holding me back.  Like tattoo. I'm not contending with that for awhile, if it comes out in some form of referrencial experience, fine, but that's it. I want instead to use anything I can to put things in order.  I think its ok to also acknowledge failures...such as some stuff I was working on before last meeting:

No. Just a bunch of decoration and bad illustrations. Moving on.